Zambia: Politics of Hunger
By Bruce Chooma

Despite enjoying a long period of peace and stability,
climate variation has severely impacted the landlocked country of Zambia, where
most farmers rely on rain to grow their crops. In the 2018 -2019 farming season,
many areas in southern and western Zambia saw the lowest rainfall since at
least 1981.
40% of Zambian children continue to be stunted, a figure
that has remained consistent over the last few years, and the UN estimates that
the current number of acutely food-insecure Zambians (1.7 million) will rise to
2.3 million by March 2020.
Many stakeholders have asked the Zambian government to
declare the hunger situation a national disaster but the plea has fallen on deaf
ears. Government
insists it has the hunger situation under control with President Edgar
Lungu arguing that those who want to help with relief food are free to do so
even without an acknowledgment of the gravity of the situation from his
Then outgoing British High Commissioner Mr Fergus Cochrane –Dyet OBE in his outgoing speech
delivered on August 27, observed as
counties have declared food security emergencies. Why hasn’t Zambia? It’s
estimated that 2.5m Zambians will soon be in crisis. Declaring an emergency
would unlock international humanitarian assistance that donors can’t otherwise
provide. People will undoubtedly die from malnutrition compounded by disease.
Maybe Zambians and outsiders who deny the need for an emergency should examine
their consciences.”

“It is wrong for Lungu to refuse to declare the hunger
situation in the country a national disaster when the majority of our people
have resorted to eating unripe wild fruits. Just in Chibombo and Rufunsa
districts, our people don’t have access to clean drinking water, health
services and food,” said Mr. Hichilema.
He said it was wrong for President Lungu to refuse to
declare the hunger as a national disaster when bigger economies such as Brazil
have done so and were receiving aid from the United States of America.
Recently, some Zambians have expressed intention to render
assistance towards ameliorating the situation. Hakainde Hichilema the
main opposition leader is reported to have indicated readiness to
assist the affected areas with a donation of twenty-five thousand bags of mealie meal
but government allegedly rejected the donation. Some analysts say the Zambian
authorities refuse international now local donations because of bad intentions.
Caritas Zambia a social justice arm of the Catholic Church
also earlier urged Government to consider declaring the hunger situation in
some parts of the country as a disaster.
Addressing a media briefing, Bishop Director for Caritas
Zambia Evans Chinyemba said places visited by the Catholic Church agents had revealed
that 79% of the crops were affected by drought, 13% by floods while 4% were
affected by both drought and floods.
Bishop Chinyemba named Southern, Western, Lusaka, Eastern,
Central and Luapula as some of provinces that were affected in the previous
farming season.
He said apart from crop failure, the prolonged dry spell
during the last farming season has created water shortages for both animals and
people with many households currently with nothing to eat and are surviving on
wild fruits.
Bishop Chinyemba said the Zambia Conference of Catholic
Bishops through Caritas Zambia and other stakeholders was therefore targeting
to spend not less than US$9.4 million in helping 42,000 households who have
been affected by the unfavorable weather conditions
Political commentator and blogger Prof Hansungule describes
the refusal by Zambian authorities to declare hunger a national disaster as a
form of tribal cleansing.
“Edgar Lungu’s strategy
on the drought induced hunger in Zambia is very clear. Because the areas badly
affected with the hunger situation also happen to be those which vote
against him during elections, this could not have come in handy. It is ethnic
cleansing, a war crime. He simply does not care about people in
those areas, after all they are his opponents. This is the only
reason why he would not bother declaring the situation an emergency.
Since he came to power,
Edgar Lunguhas been very systematic in cleansing the public service of
anyone from groups that are perceived to oppose him. Hundreds of senior civil
servants from so-called opposition groups have been prematurely retired or
simply dismissed simply or their ethnic belonging while appointing and
promoting only his ethnic group. For the first time since independence,
cabinet is deliberately not representative of all groups.” He argues.
It is clear that politicians have conveniently chosen to
politic with the hunger situation in the country whilst lives are at the verge
of death.
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