Zambia: Politics of Hunger

By Bruce Chooma A recent report ranked Zambia the fifth hungriest nation on earth. This coincidentally comes at a time when the country is grappling with a severe drought which has devastated more than half of the country mainly in the Southern, Central and Western Provinces leaving many rural households surviving on wild fruits, roots and tubers. Despite enjoying a long period of peace and stability, climate variation has severely impacted the landlocked country of Zambia, where most farmers rely on rain to grow their crops. In the 2018 -2019 farming season, many areas in southern and western Zambia saw the lowest rainfall since at least 1981. 40% of Zambian children continue to be stunted, a figure that has remained consistent over the last few years, and the UN estimates that the current number of acutely food-insecure Zambians (1.7 million) will rise to 2.3 million by March 2020. Many stakeholders have asked the Zambian government to declare the hunger situat...