By Bruce Chooma
A heated debate on the
feasibility of free education has ensued on the Zambian political arena ahead
of the 11th August general elections. Education is one of the key campaign issues given
the high illiteracy levels in Zambia. According to UNICEF, though Zambia made
commendable progress in increasing access to education and gender parity, more
than a quarter million children are out of school and 47% of those enrolled in
school do not complete the primary cycle.
Zambia’s leading opposition
political party, the United Party for National Development UPND, has promised
to deliver universal free education from primary to university level by 2018 if
voted into office this August. They have set the year 2018 as the target for
the realization of this aspiration.
But other contenders in the race
including the ruling Patriotic Front have argued that provision of free
education to all Zambians was an unrealistic promise given the state of the
country’s economy and the many challenges that confront the educational sector.
The prominent problems quoted include inadequate trained teachers, poor and
inadequate school infrastructure including an acute deficit of teacher
accommodation especially in rural areas.
The two leading contenders in this election the
Patriotic Front and the United Party for National Development UPND have
published their manifestos. The PF has noted that In the last five years, the
Patriotic Front in Government (2011 – 2016) has scored unprecedented
achievements in the education Sector in all the eight sub-sectors that is,
Early Childhood Education; Primary and Secondary School Education; Youth and
Adult literacy; Teacher education; Skills development; Science, Technology and
Innovation; and University Education. Despite the strides that Government has
made in the last five years, there is still much to be done in the post- 2016
period to achieve quality and equitable education provision for all in Zambia.
For the period 2016 – 2021, the Patriotic Front will, therefore, be working on
continued expansion of all the eight sub-sectors as well as the provision of
quality education and skills development.
The United Party for National Development UPND
has noted what it describes as a total breakdown of the Ministry of
Education. They note that over half of
Zambians are under 18 and need to be given a better life. They have promised to
reform the education sector so that by 2018 children and youth will have full
access to universal free education from primary up to university. They have
also promised to ensure that Youths are equipped with skills that will help
them find work. They have also promised to support budding entrepreneurs and
businessmen to ensure they are given proper support and the tools they need to
UPND Director of Policy and
Research Dr Cholwe Beyani explains that it is possible to provide free
education once government cuts on excess and wasteful expenditure. He argued
that austerity measures coupled with prudent economic management can enable the
country to generate sufficient resources to enable the provision of free
education in the public education system.
According to Dr Beyani the PF government spends in excess of 20 billion
kwacha on cabinet emoluments alone a figure they commit to cut to half should
they assume power thus freeing up additional resources for the provision of
free education.
An online blogger from Malawi Lily
Musaya commented on free education that: ”Somebody somewhere will be paying for
it, nothing like free. My question then is who will pay for it? When South
African government adhered to fees must fall therefore did not raise school
fees last year, guess where they took the money to support this deficit? From
the primary school budget! Which isn't fair and only exacerbates problems in
the education sector. So UPND must say who will pay for this free education”
Lily further argues that if tax payers pay for
education then it's not exactly free. Instead of parents paying school fees
directly to the institution they will pay indirectly through tax. She argues
that this is even worse because by the time that money goes round in the system
a lesser percentage of it will be invested in that school as compared to if
that money went directly to the school via school fees
A Lusaka resident Nickson Bwalya observes
that the promise of free education from primary to university level sounds too
generous to be true.
“Looking at the current growth of
our economy it cannot sustain such a venture. KK managed such a project for a
short while but we all know what became of our economy. If UPND is promising to
be growing the economy by at least 12%, then MAYBE, that can be achieved for a
while. Now tell me which country in the world does that. Also show me which
country in Africa offers free education from primary to university level (let
me admit that I have not yet researched on this one). But my general knowledge
is that even developed countries cannot afford free education. Then there is
the question of how much value will people attach to free education. Free
things rarely attract good value. How many schools and universities will be
built to accommodate everyone? I believe the UPND campaign team has a lot of explanations
to convince people,” he said.
Eugene Kabilika of Caritas Zambia
explains that during the first
republic the Zambian government could afford to provide free education because
the government had a lot of tax money from the mines as copper prices were
“The population of children in school was not
as high as now because the population was also small. At the same time no child
below 7 years was allowed in Grade One. Classes were always limited to 40
pupils. So providing school materials was easy. At secondary school, we only used
to pay sports fund. At the University of Zambia and colleges we were even paid
allowances for our up keep. Meals and tuition was free. The UNIP government
failed to sustain this because they forgot to expand the economic side of the
equation. The parastatal companies were subsidised so was all essential
commodities. So funds got shifted from education and health to subsidizing
eating. President Chiluba under pressure from IMF removed subsidies and
privatized many companies including the mines. So from 1991 money shifted from
government to private companies who were not interested in social services. Public
finances that were available disappeared into massive corruption which is still
alive and kicking. To provide free education will require government to:
eradicate corruption: collect all tax due from the mines : reduce size of
cabinet: disband districts such as Chilanga, Pemba, Chikankata, chirundu etc.
This will free resources to benefit thousands of students.”
Nambala Joel Frederick a Zambian citizen advises
Zambians to find out how German y operates its free education system. He said
he was at Universitaet Stuttgart's Institute for Raumfatsystem for a
considerable time where he got to learn that education is free in that
country. He claimed that lack of exposure is killing our fellow Zambian
people due to ignorance.
Nickson Bwalya however argued that one cannot compare
Germany to Zambia. “Germany is the most industrialised country in Europe. In
fact industrialisation began in Germany. Its economy is driven by its strong
manufacturing industry. If you believe that by 2018 Zambia's economy will be as
strong as Germany's, then you should also believe that Zambia will lift the
2018 world cup to be held in Russia.”
Rina Mukumba had this to say:
“While I do not dispute the fact
that Zambia can offer free education, I refuse to believe this will happen
when HH comes into power. The paid for education we have now is nothing to brag
about. I think we need to be critical in the way we are analyzing this free
education subject. I repeat, I do not dispute that it's possible let HH and
team tell us how they will do this. We want a proper plan. And it should be a
realistic plan.”
Zambia operates free education
from grade one to seven. The government has banned user and examination fees at
primary school level, and has gone a step further to abolish examination fees
at grade nine level.
From grade one to seven, pupils are supposed to receive free exercise books from Government and no school administration is allowed to charge parents user fees. Parents are still paying ‘hidden’ user fees in form of PTA, no matter how minimal they are.
From grade one to seven, pupils are supposed to receive free exercise books from Government and no school administration is allowed to charge parents user fees. Parents are still paying ‘hidden’ user fees in form of PTA, no matter how minimal they are.
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