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Under ordinary circumstances, ‘broke’ and ‘NHIMA’ should not be used in the same sentence. The National Health Insurance Management Authority (NHIMA) runs a contributory scheme aggregating monies from all workers in both the formal and informal sectors. NHIMA is one of the best things that has ever happened in Zambia’s history. The scheme has facilitated access to quality health care and health commodities to all citizens regardless of social economic status. It has proved to be truly inclusive and dynamic in responding to the huge gap in access to quality health between the rich and the poor. My family has benefited from NHIMA greatly. My wife and I have accessed certain medicines, medical procedures and lab tests that our private health insurance scheme refuses to cover.   This has saved us resources that we have channelled to improve the welfare of our family. My ageing parents have been managing to access quality care and undergo periodic health checks through the scheme. I hav