
Showing posts from December, 2018


ZAMBIA’s Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) records indicate that there are as much as, 11, 000 people have been internally displaced within the borders of Zambia over the past 10 years. A consortium of civil society organisations working to promote the land rights of Zambians under the auspices of the Zambia Land Allianc e however believes that the figures are much higher. Most displacements of indigenous Zambians are induced either by development projects such as the Multi Economic Facility Zones (MFEZ), mining, industrial, agriculture and other large scale land based investments with minimal, or no compensation at all. In a number of cases, individuals who illegally sell land to rich people, including foreigners,    in the process displace citizens. Zambian authorities accuse some of the people who have been displaced of being squatters without taking into account the narrative that brought the affected people there in the first place.   Take for ...

Strategies to Counter Shrinking Civic Spaces: The Case of the Disability Movement

By Bruce Chooma There is a growing culture of intolerance and impunity by some African leaders. This makes it increasingly difficult for civil society movements to play an effective role in keeping governments in check, particularly on their observance of human rights and the rule of law. Persons with disabilities are a historically marginalised group who experience some of the highest levels of poverty and illiteracy on the continent of Africa. They are often not included in public programmes aimed at delivering social and economic services and benefits on an equal basis with others. Many persons with disabilities, especially women and girls, fall prey to all forms of violence and abuse including gender-based violence and heinous crimes. Often times, derogatory terms are used in reference to persons with disabilities and parents, especially mothers, are often subjected to ridicule and shame because of having children with disabilities. Most counties have for decade...